Allied Telesis Switch AT 9000 User Manual

AlliedWare Plus™ Version 2.1.2  
AT-9000 Layer 2-4 Gigabit Ethernet EcoSwitches  
Software Release Notes  
Please read this document before you begin to use the management software. The document  
has the following sections:  
The software described in this document contains certain cryptographic functionality and its  
export is restricted by U.S. law. As of this writing, it has been submitted for review as a “retail  
encryption item” in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. Part 730-  
772, promulgated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, and conditionally may be exported in  
accordance with the pertinent terms of License Exception ENC (described in 15 C.F.R. Part  
740.17). In no case may it be exported to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria. If  
you wish to transfer this software outside the United States or Canada, please contact your local  
Allied Telesis sales representative for current information on this product’s export status.  
Supported Platforms  
Version 2.1.2 of the AlliedWare Plus™ Management Software is supported on these switches:  
ˆ AT-9000/28  
ˆ AT-9000/28SP  
ˆ AT-9000/52  
This version supports the following SFP modules:  
ˆ AT-SPTX (Supported only at a speed of 1G.)  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
Upgrading the AT-9000 Switch to AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 from Version 2.1.1  
This section contains the procedure for upgrading the switch from AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.1  
to version 2.1.2, from the command line. Here are the upgrade requirements:  
ˆ There must be a TFTP server on your network.  
ˆ The switch must be assigned an IP address. For instructions, refer to the AT-9000 AlliedWare  
Plus User’s Guide.  
The upgrade process is disruptive to network operations because it resets the switch. The switch  
does not forward network traffic during the reset.  
There are three phases to upgrading the switch:  
Phase 1. Uploading the Active Boot Configuration File to Your TFTP Server  
Allied Telesis recommends uploading the active boot configuration file from the switch to your  
TFTP server before updating the management software on the switch. You’ll use the file in phase  
3 to check for v2.1.1 commands that are not compatible with v2.1.2. To upload the active boot  
configuration file:  
1. Start the TFTP server on your network.  
1. Start a local or remote management session on the switch.  
2. When prompted, enter a username and password. The defaults are “manager” for the  
username and “friend” for the password.  
3. Move to the Privileged Exec mode and enter the SHOW BOOT command to display the  
name of the active boot configuration file:  
awplus# show boot  
Here is an example of the information.  
Current software : v2.1.1  
Current boot image : v2.1.1  
Backup boot image : Not set  
Default boot config: /cfg/boot.cfg  
Current boot config: /cfg/sw2bldg2.cfg (file exists)  
The name of the active boot configuration file is displayed in the “Current boot config” line.  
4. Use the COPY command to upload the boot configuration file from the switch to the TFTP  
server. Here is the format of the command:  
copy flash tftp ipaddress filename.cfg  
The IPADDRESS parameter is the IP address of the TFTP server. The FILENAME  
parameter is the name of the boot configuration file you want to upload from the switch to  
TFTP server. The filename extension must be “.cfg” for boot configuration files. The filename  
cannot contain spaces.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
This example of the command uploads the boot configuration file “sw2bldg2.cfg to a TFTP  
server that has the IP address  
awplus# copy flash tftp sw2bldg2.cfg  
5. Go to Phase 2.  
Phase 2: Downloading the New AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software  
To upgrade the switch to AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 from AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.1:  
1. Store the AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management Software on the TFTP server on your  
2. If you have not already started the TFTP server, start it now.  
3. If you have not already started a local or remote management session on the switch, start a  
session now.  
4. Use the ENABLE command to move to the Privileged Executive mode.  
awplus> enable  
5. Use the COPY command to download the AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Management  
Software from the TFTP server to the switch. Here is the format of the command:  
copy tftp flash ipaddress filename  
The IPADDRESS parameter specifies the IP address of the TFTP server on your network.  
The FILENAME parameter specifies the filename of the AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2  
Management Software stored on the TFTP server. The extension must include the “.img”  
extension. The name cannot contain spaces or special characters.  
In this example, the IP address of the TFTP server is and the name of the  
management software file is “ats-9000-2.1.2.img:”  
awplus# copy tftp flash ats-9000-2.1.2.img  
After receiving the file from the TFTP server, the switch writes it to flash memory and resets.  
The entire process takes several minutes. The switch is running the new software after it  
completes the reset.  
6. Establish a new management session with the switch.  
7. Enter the Privileged Exec mode and enter the WRITE command to same the configuration.  
awplus> enable  
awplus# write  
8. Go to Phase 3.  
Phase 3: Updating the Commands  
A few commands have changed from v2.1.1 to v2.1.2. If the switch encountered any of these  
commands in its boot configuration file when it reset, it skipped over them to remove them from  
its running configuration. To complete the upgrade procedure, you should print out the boot  
configuration file you uploaded to your TFTP server in Phase 1, and examine it for any of the  
modified commands. The modified commands are described here:  
ˆ BANNER EXEC and BANNER MOTD Commands - The formats of these commands, which  
are used to create the User Exec and Privileged Exec modes banner and message-of-the-  
day banner, have changed in v2.1.2. Where before a command and its banner message were  
included on the same line, they are now entered separately. The new formats are:  
banner exec  
banner motd  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
After you enter a banner command, the prompt “Type CTRL/D to finish” is displayed on your  
screen, at which point you may enter a banner message of up to 50 characters for the User  
Exec and Privilege Exec modes banner and 100 characters for the message-of-the-day  
banner. Spaces and special characters are allowed. When you are finished entering a  
message, hold down the CTRL key and type D to return to the command prompt in the Global  
Configuration mode. To test the banner for the User Exec and Privilege Exec modes, return  
to the Privileged Exec mode and issue the CLEAR SCREEN command. To test the  
message-of-the-day banner, log out and log in again.  
This example creates the User Exec and Privilege Exec modes banner “Engineering Switch  
Building 12:”  
awplus> enable  
awplus# configure terminal  
awplus(config)# banner exec  
Type CNTL/D to finish  
Engineering Switch Building 12  
This example creates the message-of-the-day banner “Updated November 12, 2010:”  
awplus> enable  
awplus# configure terminal  
awplus(config)# banner motd  
Type CNTL/D to finish  
Updated November 12, 2010  
ˆ LOG BUFFERED Command - The function and format of the LOG BUFFERED command  
has not changed, but the FAN_CTRL option is no longer supported. If the command and  
option are in the backup boot configuration file, reenter the command on the switch, omitting  
the option.  
ˆ FILTERING Command - This command, which In v2.1.1 allowed you to block ingress  
broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast packets on ports, is not supported in version 2.1.2.  
There is no equivalent v2.1.2 command.  
ˆ CLOCK TIMEZONE Command - If the switch is using an SNTP or NTP server as the source  
of its date and time, you have to reenter the CLOCK TIMEZONE command because its  
format has changed. You may now specify both hours and minutes to identify the difference  
between local time and UTC, whereas before the command only accepted hours. The new  
format of the command is:  
clock timezone +hh:mm|-hh:mm  
HH are hours in the range of -12 to +12 and MM are minutes in the range of 00 to 60. The  
offset must include a plus or minus sign. You must include both the hours and minutes, and  
both values must have two digits. The example sets the UTC offset to +2 hours:  
awplus> enable  
awplus# configure terminal  
awplus(config)# clock timezone +02:00  
The example sets the UTC offset to -8 hours, 15 minutes:  
awplus> enable  
awplus# configure terminal  
awplus(config)# clock timezone -08:15  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
ˆ SET SFLOW COLLECTOR IP Command - In v2.1.1 this command in the Port Interface mode  
was used to identify the sFlow collector that was to be the recipient of packet data from a  
port. This command is not supported in v2.1.2 because you may specify only one sFlow  
collector for the switch. The collector is identified with the SFLOW COLLECTOR IP command  
in the Global Configuration mode.  
ˆ IP ACCESS-GROUP command - The function of this command, which is used to assign  
access control lists (ACLs) to ports, has not changed in v2.1.2, but the IP keyword has been  
removed, shortening the command to just ACCESS-GROUP. To reapply the ACLs to the  
ports, it will be necessary to reenter the command in the Port Interface modes of the  
appropriate ports. To do this, examine the backup configuration file for any IP ACCESS-  
GROUP commands and then reenter the same commands, but without the IP keyword, in the  
Port Interface modes of the affected ports.  
Troubleshooting the Upgrade Procedure  
If you have a problem downloading the management software to the switch from your TFTP  
server, here are a few suggestion on how to resolve it:  
ˆ Check that the TFTP server on your network is active.  
ˆ Use the SHOW IP INTERFACE command in the User Exec or Privileged Exec mode to verify  
that the switch has an IP address.  
ˆ Use the PING command in the Privileged Exec mode to check for an active link between the  
switch and your TFTP server.  
ˆ Verify that you entered the COPY command correctly. Be sure to include the “.img” extension  
in the filenames of the management software file.  
ˆ If you are using a TFTP server that is case sensitive, be sure to use upper and lowercase  
characters when specifying filenames in the commands.  
ˆ Check that the management software file is stored in the correct directory on the TFTP  
Operational Notes  
ˆ The speed of the AT-SPFX/2 and AT-SPFX/15 modules has to be manually set to 100Mbps  
with the SPEED command. This example of the command configures the speed of the AT-  
SPFX/2 or AT-SPFX/15 module in slot 1 of an AT-9000/28SP Switch:  
awplus> enable  
awplus# configure terminal  
awplus(config)# interface port1.0.1  
awplus(config-if)# speed 100  
ˆ The assignment of an IPv6 management address to the switch must be performed manually  
using the IPV6 IPADDRESS command, because the switch cannot obtain an IPv6 address  
with stateless autoconfiguration or from a DHCP6 server.  
ˆ You cannot use the web browser interface to configure these features:  
— Access control lists  
— Enhanced stacking  
— Quality of Service  
— SNMP  
— Voice VLANs  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
— VLAN stacking  
Use the command line interface to configure these features.  
ˆ The web browser interface has been tested and found to be compatible with the following  
web browsers:  
— Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and 8  
— Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3  
— Apple Safari 4.0.5  
If you are using Explorer 8 web browser and the pull-down menus in the switch’s web browser  
interface do not work, open the Internet Options window in the web browser, select the Security  
tab, and set the custom settings to medium-high. Then refresh your page.  
ˆ You cannot change the configuration of a port, such as its VLAN assignment, after it is added  
to a static or an LACP trunk. The configuration of a port must be set before it is added to a  
ˆ You can create up to 4096 VLANs on the switch, but only 255 VLANs can be active at a time.  
ˆ Changing the SNMPv3 engineID value is not recommended because the SNMP server on  
the switch may fail to operate properly.  
Resolved Issues  
The following issues were resolved in this release.  
ˆ SNMP server: The SNMP server stopped working during SNMP walks. (8222)  
ˆ SNMP server: The SNMP server stopped working if you activated the HTTP or HTTPS server  
and reset the switch. (8148)  
ˆ SNMP and Telnet servers: A memory leak problem in the SNMP and Telnet servers caused  
the switch to reset after forty management sessions. (8318)  
ˆ SNMP server: Access control lists created with SNMP were deleted by the switch. (8651)  
ˆ SNMP server: The switch displayed debug messages during local management sessions if  
there was also an active SNMP session. (8646)  
ˆ SNMP server: The switch periodically displayed an IPC_TIMEOUT_ERROR message when  
it was managed with SNMP. (8201)  
ˆ SNMP traps: The switch sent SNMP traps even when they were disabled. (8650)  
ˆ Port configuration: The SHOW INTERFACE command displayed negative numbers. (8263)  
ˆ SNTP client: The CLOCK TIMEZONE command did not accept minutes in its format. (8145)  
ˆ SNTP client: The SHOW NTP ASSOCIATIONS command did not display the UTC offset  
correctly. (8196)  
ˆ SNTP client: System time drifted forward if it was set by an NTP or SNTP server. (8612)  
ˆ SNTP client: The NTP client did not synchronize properly with the Microsoft Windows XP  
Time server. (8626)  
ˆ SNTP client: The client periodically caused the switch to stop forwarding network traffic.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
ˆ Port-based and tagged VLANs: You could not change a port from the trunk mode to the  
access mode. (8319)  
ˆ IGMP snooping: The switch did not properly register IGMP queries and reports. (8301)  
ˆ sFlow client: The switch stopped forwarding traffic if the sFlow client was active on more than  
twelve ports. (8236)  
ˆ STP and enhanced stacking: The switch stopped forwarding traffic if both STP and enhanced  
stacking were activated. (8246)  
ˆ STP: The switch would reset if the spanning tree protocol detected a loop in the network  
topology. (8094)  
ˆ STP: The spanning tree protocol stopped sending BPDUs when the SNTP client  
synchronized system time with an NTP or SNTP server. (8605)  
ˆ STP: The spanning tree SHOW commands did not display the settings for BPDU guard, root  
guard, portfast and other parameters. (8639)  
ˆ RADIUS client: The RADIUS acronym was misspelled in the web browser interface. (8625)  
ˆ GVRP: Dynamic GVRP VLANs were saved as static VLANs in the active boot configuration  
file. They are now relearned when the unit is reset. (8321)  
ˆ ACLs: The copy-to-mirror option did not work. (8675)  
ˆ LACP: The switch disabled the remaining ports of an eight port LACP trunk if the connections  
were lost on four of the ports. (8599)  
ˆ LACP: LACP trunks caused the switch to display a “Kernel paging request” error message  
and to reset. (8618)  
ˆ LACP: The switch would reset if a port in an LACP trunk that had 20 or more ports lost its  
ˆ LACP: There was a delay in the resumption of traffic on LACP connections that changed link  
states. (8619)  
ˆ LACP: Fluctuating connections in LACP trunks resulted in IPC errors. (8622)  
ˆ Telnet server: You could not overwrite existing encryption keys from a Telnet management  
session. (8616)  
ˆ SSH server: You could start a remote SSH management session without having to enter a  
username. (8712)  
ˆ SSH server: The switch did not properly timeout inactive remote SSH management sessions.  
Known Issues  
There are no known issues in this release.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
Changes to the AlliedWare Plus Command Line User’s Guide  
Here are the main changes to the AlliedWare Plus Command Line User’s Guide for version  
Table 1. Changes to the AlliedWare Plus Management Software User’s Guide for Version 2.1.2  
Chapters 5 and 6: Basic  
Switch Management  
The formats of the BANNER EXEC and BANNER MOTD  
commands in the Global Configuration mode have changed  
such that the banner messages are now entered separately from  
the command.  
The HOSTNAME command now accepts special characters, but  
not spaces or quotation marks.  
The command reference chapter now includes the SYSTEM  
TERRITORY command, for designating the territory where the  
switch is installed.  
Chapters 7 and 8: Port  
Revision A of the user’s guide incorrectly stated that you had to  
disable Auto-Negotiation to manually set the speed, duplex  
mode and MDI/MDI-X settings on the ports. Revision B states  
that all three settings may be set independently of each other.  
For example, you could configure a port such that its speed is  
set manually to 100 Mbps, its duplex mode to Auto-Negotiation,  
and its wiring configuration to MDI.  
The FILTERING and NO FILTERING commands described in  
Revision A of the guide are no longer supported on the switch.  
Chapters 11 and 12:  
Simple Network Time  
Protocol Client  
The format of the CLOCK TIMEZONE command has been  
modified to accept minutes in the UTC offset, which the switch  
uses to convert UTC time into local time.  
Chapter 20: Multicast  
New commands for blocking unknown multicast packets.  
Chapters 26 and 27: File  
You may no longer use Zmodem to download new management  
software to the switch. That management task must be  
performed with TFTP. You may use Zmodem to upload or  
download boot configuration files, encryption key certificates or  
requests, and diagnostic text files.  
Chapter 29: Event Log  
The SHOW LOG command no longer supports the FAN_CTRL  
Chapters:50 and 51: VLAN VLAN stacking is a new feature.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
Table 1. Changes to the AlliedWare Plus Management Software User’s Guide for Version 2.1.2  
Chapter 52: MAC Address- Revision A of the user’s guide stated in Guidelines that this type  
based Port Security  
of port security was not supported on optional GBIC, SFP, or  
XFP modules. Revision B states that MAC address-based port  
security is supported on SFP transceivers, the only type of  
transceivers AT-9000 switches support.  
Chapters 59 and 60: sFlow Revision A of the user’s guide stated you could define the IP  
addresses of up to four sFlow collectors. The switch actually  
supports the IP address of just one collector. This is corrected in  
Revision B.  
Chapters 67 and 68:  
Access Control Lists  
Revision A stated that a port that had more than one ACL  
performs them according to their ID numbers, in ascending  
order. ACLs are actually performed in the order in which they are  
applied to a port. This is corrected in Revision B.  
The IP ACCESS-GROUP command, which is used to assign  
ACLs to ports, has been shortened to ACCESS-GROUP  
The previous version of the user’s guide stated that ACLs  
without the VLAN parameter applied to both tagged and  
untagged packets. That is incorrect. ACLs without the VLAN  
parameter apply only to untagged packets.  
Chapters 70 and 71: Local This version of the management software has a NO SERVICE  
Manager Accounts  
PASSWORD-ENCRYPTION command that disables password  
encryption of local manager accounts. In the previous version,  
you could not disable password encryption after you had  
activated it.  
Previously, manager accounts with a privilege level of 1 could  
access all of the command modes except when command mode  
restriction was activated, in which case they were restricted to  
the User Exec mode, unless they knew the special password. In  
this release, command mode restriction is always activated to  
prevent managers who have a privilege level of 1 and do not  
know the special password from accessing any mode beyond  
the User Exec mode.  
Chapter 74 and 75: Telnet In the previous release the Telnet client could only be used from  
local management sessions of the switch. In this release you  
may use it from local and Telnet management sessions.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
Table 1. Changes to the AlliedWare Plus Management Software User’s Guide for Version 2.1.2  
Chapter 77: SSH Server  
The following commands documented in revision A are not in  
the firmware and have been removed from revision B:  
Administrators may use the EXEC-TIMEOUT command in place  
of the SSH SERVER SESSION-TIMEOUT command to set the  
session timeout timers.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  
AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.2 Software Release Notes  
Contacting Allied Telesis  
This section provides Allied Telesis contact information for technical support as well as sales or  
corporate information.  
Online Support  
You can request technical support online by accessing the Allied Telesis Knowledge Base: You can use the Knowledge Base to submit  
questions to our technical support staff and review answers to previously asked questions.  
Email and Telephone Support  
For Technical Support via email or telephone, refer to the Support & Services section of the  
Allied Telesis web site: Select your country from the list displayed on  
the website. then select the appropriate menu tab.  
For hardware warranty information, refer to the Allied Telesis web site:  
Returning Products  
Products for return or repair must first be assigned a return materials authorization (RMA)  
number. A product sent to Allied Telesis without an RMA number will be returned to the sender at  
the sender’s expense. For instructions on how to obtain an RMA number, go to our web site at and then select Support and Replacement Services.  
Sales or Corporate Information  
You can contact Allied Telesis for sales or corporate information through our web site:  
Management Software Updates  
New releases of management software for our managed products are available on our Allied  
Copyright © 2010 Allied Telesis, Inc.  
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from Allied Telesis,  
Allied Telesis and AlliedWare Plus are trademarks of Allied Telesis, Inc. All other product names, company names,  
logos or other designations mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.  
Allied Telesis, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this  
document without prior written notice. The information provided herein is subject to change without notice.  
PN 613-001447 Rev A  
Allied Telesis, Inc.  

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